私たちが、私たちの仕事の中で、これから先もずっと誇っていくべきこととは。それは、“人は「誰かの何かのため」に動く時、最大限のチカラを発揮し、そのチカラは時として世界をも変えるチカラになれる” そう私たち自身が信じているということです。
Representative Director / Chief Marketer
Yoshihiko Yamaguchi
After working for a reputable marketing agency and an IT venture, founded PMA in 2011 with the mission to contribute to creating a well and sustainable society along with the goal for self-actualization through the activity of marketing. Love people, soccer, martial-arts, surfing, fishing and red lantern. Striving everyday to pursue both ethics and business as well as Marketing in a broad sense. Father of 1 son and 2 daughters.
Kiyoshi Yonehiro
After working for a printing trading company and a marketing agency, completed the MBA at the Graduate School of Management, Globis University. Engaged in marketing and communication consulting for products and services in various industries. Specialize in product promotion. In project execution, quickly proposes the best options to bridge the gap between the current situation and the goal. Also excels at team-making and project management. Contributes to the creation of a society where people in front of and beyond can smile with ideas that excite. Spends a lot of time in the field, surfing, camping, trekking, and experiencing the four seasons.
Sayaka Kato
Lives and works in Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture. After working in textile planning and sales at a specialized textile trading company and as a freelance fashion coordinator, worked for apparel manufacturer Onward Kashiyama. Experienced PR for domestic and international brands and building owned media before joining PMA. Attracted by encounters created by connecting people, goods, and things, she excels at making proposals that create new value. She is interested in things related to food, clothing, and shelter that are close to people's lives, and is also the brand manager of Pierre Jeanneret's "tangenet" furniture and fashion brand. She is also involved in raising twin foster puppies, Tetsu and Suzu.
Akihiko Suzuki
Born in Sagami Lake, Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating, joined a B(lack)-type of IT company, mind and body were worn out from business-traveling between Japan and the Philippines, departed for finding what myself is to Australia with having backpack. After returning to Japan, worked as a bookstore clerk, apparel sales, app development, and virtual currency management, and joined PMA in 2019. While directing the production phase, be also involved in planning and defining requirements, digging deeper to see if the issues presented by the client are real issues and reassessing whether PMA's proposals are realistic. In off time, collecting sneakers and pursues martial arts, professional wrestling, and idols. Favorite venue is Korakuen Hall. Favorite Ramen-Jirou is Jinbo-cho.
Tsubasa Kumaki
Born in Nagano Prefecture. Moved to Tokyo with a yearning for Tokyo in the chest. After working in real estate advertising design, left the company when got married, and joined PMA in 2018. To be involved in a wide range of design work, from resizing to main visuals, product packaging, banners, etc. Be also involved in web production, further expanding design range. Would like to work on designs to turn things that people usually pass by without noticing into something wonderful, and in the future, she would like to create well-designed name stickers for children that can also be enjoyed as art. Love Beyonce and Drinking beer, Playing golf. Feeling grateful for the joy of working while raising three children, made possible by being met PMA. Keeping a boy bengal cat.
Corporate Planning
Ray Usui
Joined PMA after working for a web marketing company preparing for listing on the stock exchange. Now working hard every day for growing the PMA to organization and company from group. Working hard for growing up the company better, aiming for the vision that "Not one car for one family, But one car for one company".Not only internal business, trying to recruit consulting work by making use of the experience of personnel management.Also working for farming at TESIO FOODS, a new business venture. The hobby is online shopping. The favorite novelists are Tetsuya Honda and Kei Yuikawa. Keeping a French Bulldog. In the next life, want to start playing soccer at the age of 3, win a championship, and become a J-League player (as a college-graduate rookie).
Director/Copy Writer
Ikuto Watanabe
After graduating from university, worked for four years as a Japanese language teacher at a public junior high school in Tokyo. While working as teacher, being became interested in copywriting and advertising, attended a copywriter training course organized by Senden Kaigi, completed the courses from beginner to advanced. With armed a skill by the course, propose integrated measures from conceptual design based on USPs. Also working as leader of the PMA’s food brand “TESIO FOODS”, aiming for brand growth. The motto is to maximize the value of people, products, and things by using words to organize information and the attitude to discern the essence of things as a weapon. Maybe because of the former job was teacher, to drink with student in future is an dream.
Yuta Nomizu
Having a passion for coffee, cigarettes, cameras, books, alcohol, and clothes. Specializing in KGI-based strategic planning and directing across ad delivery design and data analysis areas, and design areas such as photography and production. Becoming a fan of the client as one user, doing the work with feeling its advantages and strong points as a motto. Boasts the highest metabolism in PMA and sweats a lot.
Natsumi Ura
Born in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Upon graduation, started working for a local real estate company and experienced sales division. Ideal way of working is to look down and facilitate the whole process so that the team can work easily, left the real estate industry which tends to be an individual player. During a six-month internship, to be involved in updating media content and joined PMA with a full plate. Armed with the caring and foresight skills required by the overwhelmingly athletic culture that was drilled in when graduated, taking on the challenge of entering a various fields including marketing. Favorite F1 team is Scuderia Ferrari, charactor is Cinnamoroll.
Masahiro Nakamaruo
From between the sea and mountains of Ehime Prefecture, went on to study at Kwansei Gakuin University in Hyogo Prefecture. As a student, immersed in dance from morning till night with the goal of getting paid for dance, sacrificing the youth in the process, and as a result, achieved the goal close to graduation. Using this experience, worked as a Red Bull STUDENT MARKETEER and engaged in marketing for the student dance scene. Attracted by the potential of marketing, joined PMA as a new graduate in 2023. The next goal is to promote diversity in society and oneself, to survive at any time. Fullmetal Alchemist, The Legend of Zelda, Vtuber, Hip Hop, these have shaped who is today.
Karin Kinoshita
Raised in the countryside of Hyogo Prefecture, yearned for the city and entered the Faculty of Economics at Kobe University. Worked as a public relations and brand manager for a student NPO that ran overseas internships. Fascinated by the potential of creativity to give shape to people's thoughts and feelings, joined PMA as a new graduate in 2023, where could engage in a wide range of marketing-related work. Would like to work on the creation of spaces and creative production that incorporate the client's ideas and worldview into every detail, so that people who see the space will fall in love with it. In the private life, enjoying cooking and cooking lunch (also husband's) every day before going to work also husband’s. The favorite animals are manatees and flattened-nosed types of dogs. Fostering a competitive mindset daily by the lifetime bible “Haikyu!!”.
Atsuko Tanaka
During student years, passionate about piano, basketball, and drums. She found joy in expressing herself through physical and hand movements, discovering new worlds, and immersing herself in music and art. At university, she studied a wide range of subjects, including commerce, Korean, and French culture. Motivated by a desire to combine her passions with work, she took on various part-time jobs, such as an Uber Eats driver,, an after-school care staff member, and a bartender. Through thee event planning and long-term internships in B2C advertising companies, she developed a fascination with marketing, leading her to join PMA as a new graduate. She aims to use her creativity to create various connections between people, experiences, and music, bringing joy to others. Her favorite artist is Akina Nakamori, and her favorite writer is Hideyuki Takano. She finds relaxation in enjoying Impressionist art, Western music, and films.
Hina Kimoto
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture, the youngest member at PMA, passionately supporting a Thai K-POP idol. Studied graphic design at a design vocational school, drawing inspiration from her favorite idol's comeback concepts. Lifetime goal is to solve children's social issues. Resonating with PMA's value of “What would you value, if you're not valuing people”, she joined PMA as a new graduate. She aims to create designs that broaden viewers' perspectives. The drama "My Dear Exes" is her life guide. She loves skincare and thoroughly examines the ingredient lists.
Representative Director / Chief Marketer
山口 善彦
Yoshihiko Yamaguchi
米広 靖
Kiyoshi Yonehiro
加藤 清香
Sayaka Kato
tangenet | タンジェネットPierre Jeanneret Tokyo | Pierre Jeanneret Tokyointerview
鈴木 亮彦
Akihiko Suzuki
熊木 つばさ
Tsubasa Kumaki
Corporate Planning
碓井 れい
Ray Usui
北海道札幌市出身。新卒から一貫して人事・労務・総務・法務・経理などのバックオフィス業務に幅広く従事。WEBマーケティング会社での上場準備を経験後、PMAに入社。「一家に一台ならぬ、一社に一人」をビジョンに掲げ、PMAをより良い会社へと成長させるべく日々奮闘中。社内にとどまらず、これまでの人事経験を活かして採用コンサルに挑戦したり、フードブランド“TESIO FOODS”では農作業や店頭販売を担う側面も。趣味はネットショッピング。好きな小説家は誉田哲也と唯川恵。愛犬はフレンチブルドッグ。来世では(3歳からサッカーを始めて、選手権で優勝して、大卒ルーキーとして)Jリーガーになりたい。
Director/Copy Writer
渡邊 郁斗
Ikuto Watanabe
大学卒業後、都内の公立中学校にて国語科教員として4年間勤務。授業で扱ったことを機にキャッチコピーや広告に興味を持ち、宣伝会議主催のコピーライター養成講座を受講、基礎コース・上級コースを修了。講座で培ったコピーライティングを武器に、USPを元にしたコンセプト設計から一気通貫した施策を提案する。PMAのフードブランド”TESIO FOODS”ではリーダーとしてブランド成長を目指す。言葉による情報整理と、物事の本質を見極めようとする姿勢を武器とし、ヒト・モノ・コトの価値を最大化することをモットーにする。教員をしていたせいか、受験生を応援する広告が好き。教え子と酒を酌み交わすのが一つの夢。
野水 優太
Yuta Nomizu
浦 夏美
Natsumi Ura
中圓尾 壮大
Masahiro Nakamaruo
愛媛県の海と山の間から兵庫県の関西学院大学に進学。学生時代はダンスでお金をもらうことを目標に朝から晩までダンスに浸かり、青春を犠牲にして取り組んだ結果、卒業間近で目標達成。その経験を活かして、Red Bull STUDENT MARKETEERとして、学生ダンスシーンを対象としたマーケティングに従事。マーケティングの可能性に惹かれて2023年にPMAへ入社。社会と自分の多様性を促進させ、いつの時代も生き残ることを次の目標としている。鋼の錬金術師、ゼルダの伝説、Vtuber、Hip Hop、これらが今の自分を形作っている。
木下 かりん
Karin Kinoshita
田中 貴子
Atsuko Tanaka
学生時代にはピアノとバスケとドラムに熱中。体や手を動かして表現することや新しい世界を知ること、音楽や芸術に酔いしれることに喜びを感じる。大学では商学や韓国語、フランス文化について幅広く学ぶ。アルバイトでは「好き」と「仕事」を両立させたいという思いから、ウーバーイーツの配達員や学童保育のスタッフ、バーテンダーなどを経験。 イベント企画運営やB2C広告会社での長期インターンを通してマーケティングに魅せられ、新卒としてPMAに入社。創造力を用いて人と人、体験、音楽など様々な繋がりを生み出し誰かに喜んでもらいたい。好きなアーティストは中森明菜、好きな作家は高野秀行、印象派や洋楽・洋画を愉しむ時間が癒し。
木本 陽凪
Hina Kimoto